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Password protect a file

  Often there are cases where there is need to defend any file with a password, but that was not possible to hack it. In particular, a relevant armor on a PC rather big number of users, or must pass through the Internet or save files on the server and to have access, password-protected.

   It is desirable, yet be available to the probability encrypt files of any kind with any extension. In this article I will describe how to implement the above using 2 different programs, and even principles of choosing a password.

   Choose a password.

   When choosing a password is not necessary to use dates, names, and just any words from the alphabet. It should consist of accidentally dialed numbers and letters.

   The program picks up the original hacking passwords-date method of choice "in a row, then begins to scan all the numbers, finishing somewhere in the fiction categories, so as to raise the number combination is easiest, but despite this, most passwords are composed only of digits. if it has not helped, then savage software is easy to scan words and combinations of words, names in different languages. Typically, this operation takes no more than an hour on the computer office capacity. Further, the final tired of the program starts scanning random sequences of numbers and letters and in this place is the best-major trump card in the hands of your file - the number of characters. Up to three characters - a few minutes to scan 4 characters - a few hours / days, 5 marks - a few days, the 6 - month / year, 7, and more - to crack unreal. Huge break passwords only in American movies, but not in life but if any wise man boast his ability to destroy the passwords, it is easy to encode as described in this place means every file and let it be placed a lost beer. Consequently, we found that the password should consist of seven or more casually typed characters, now proceed to the encryption.

   Consider two programs: WinRAR all known and little people know ICEEncrypt. WinRAR-well zarekomendoovavshy a logger with the ability to password-protect files, and than fasten the archive for a password is not necessary that a suitably strong on slower machines.

   Protecting this: Right-click your mouse on the file (WinRAR program already installed), select the menu item "Add to archive", there is a dialog window opening program, it write the name of the archive, the archive type-RAR, click on "Advanced" tab-button "password set (

   In addition, permitted to identify a tick in the box "encrypt file names" in this case, when accessing the archive will be prompted for a password, if checkbox is not becoming, you will be prompted for a password when accessing the archived file). Oh, and do not forget to delete the original unencrypted files via the program menu or manually.

   ICEEncrypt - an excellent program to encrypt any file. Among its advantages are allowed to carry a miserable size (near 200 KB), no need to install to your computer for free (freeware) distributed. Run the program, click the button "password" - enter and confirm your password - click the button "encrypt" and specify the path to a file. File is protected! To remove the password, run the program, click the button "password" - enter and confirm your password - click the button "decrypt" and specify the path to the file. Password cleared!

   Few additions.

   With the help of these programs is permissible to place the files with a single password to the files with another, thus creating a hierarchy of restrictions for different users. Also allowed to not give offense to file two programs at the same time.

   Good luck! And the less you druzhban secrets from each other ....

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