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Chronology of the ARPANET - INTERNET

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Manager SAM and Active Directory

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Идентификаторы защиты (SID)

Why can not I log in as an administrator from any location?

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Why can not I log in as an administrator from any location?

  It is clear (we hope) that the Administrator account on a computer on a different Administrator account on computer B, because they have different ID! SID, which distinguishes their Windows Server 2003, although for a man both of these records look the same.

  This feature can bring an inexperienced hacker to headache. From time to time in this book will meet the description of situations in which you can not log in using an account Administrator.

  C: > net willow ipc $ password / Administrator

  System error 1326 has occurred.

  Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

  Someone on this can stop, forgetting that Windows when trying to log into the system through the network automatically sends the current information about connecting to a user's system. Thus, if the client machine the user was logged in with Administrator account, then it will be perceived as an attempt to enter the local administrator's client machine to the remote system. Of course, this account on the remote server has no context. The context of the logon can be determined manually, using the same command, only for this before the user name you must specify a remote domain, computer name or IP-address, separating it with a backslash.

  C; S> net use W193 - 168. 234. 44 ipcS password / and: domainni atrator

  The command completed successfully.

  Naturally, if the system with which the connection is not included in the domain that you want to use the computer name or IP-address. About this trick, we still remember, when we look at remote work with the command interpreter (shell) in Chapter 7, "Transition to the interactive mode of operation." This mechanism is used to remotely run a command interpreter, as he usually performed in the context of the account SYSTEM. Remote servers can not interpret the performance of the net use command in the context of Local System, so almost always necessary to specify the domain or computer name, as was done in the previous example.

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