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Идентификаторы защиты (SID)

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You forget your password. What should I do? Part 3

CD-ROM boot disk with miniPE and reboot;

- When loaded miniPE, click miniPE (an alternative to the Start button) -> Programs -> System Tools -> Password Renew;

- Opens Password Renew for XP-based Systems;

- Click on Select Windows Folder (bottom right);

- In the Browse for Folder window, specify the location of the Windows folder and click OK;

- Click Renew existing user password;

- Account drop-down list select the account;

- In the text field New Password box, type the new password;

- Confirm it in the Confirm Password (remember the new password!)

- Click button below Install;

- Information window appears with the message Password Renew for NTs is successfuly done!;

- Click OK;

- Close the Password Renew for XP-based Systems;

- Click miniPE -> Reboot;

- After a reboot, set BIOS to boot from the hard drive;

- You can get on with the new administrator password.

2. ERD Commander is a bootable emergency recovery disk, such as Windows miniPE.

PC startup disk with ERD Commander to boot menu, select Download ERD Commander;

- To skip the initialization of the local network (and faster downloads!), Click Skip Network Configuration;

- In a window Welcome to ERD Commander, select the OS to restore, click OK;

- After downloading the ERD Commander, click Start -> System Tools -> Locksmith Wizard -> Next;

- In the next window in the Account drop-down list, select the account you want;

- In the New Password field, enter the new password, confirm it in the Confirm Password -> Next -> OK;

- Click Start -> Log Off -> Restart -> OK;

- After a reboot can log in with the new administrator password.


1. Any information can be used for good and evil: it all depends on who uses this information and for what purpose ... I hope that you will need this information to good purpose: you forgot the password to her (!) PC, do not reset same OS! ..

2. Using a password increases the security of your computer. If your computer has multiple users, personal settings, programs and system resources will be better protected if the login name or user account name assigned password.

3. Built-in Administrator account is present in the Welcome window, only if there are no other accounts (except the guest account) or if the computer is booted in Safe Mode.

4. You can try to "crack" the password using special programs (but that's another story !..).

5. You can reset the password using the previously created disk recovery / reset the password.

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You forget your password. What should I do? Part 3

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Идентификаторы защиты (SID)

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