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Идентификаторы защиты (SID)

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The basic rules of safe behavior on the Internet

  "Safe surfing" on the Internet - it's quite easy. Significantly adhere to some basic rules that you and learn from this article.

  The first priority must stop funk viruses - with them to oppose, and consciously for the creation of such popular software packages such as Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Doctor Web, ESET NOD 32 and others. Anti requires only a single, on your selection, and it is desirable to be licensed version! Every day there are new viruses, and thus the virus database must be constantly updated for this.

  Still allowed to increase computer security by installing and configuring a firewall - a program for monitoring and screening obviously malicious information received from the network. It is not always viruses, and sometimes the computer is easy to try out the Internet to take more than he needs, and in its priority may also slow down the network of other programs. In all recent versions of Windows is our firewall (firewall) but it is better to acquire an advanced product like Agnitum Outpost. Ligament firewall + antivirus is the best guarantee of a peaceful and secure Internet access.

  Other rules of safe behavior on the Internet include careful visiting Web pages. Open only those links that lead you to useful landing pages, and not be distracted by bright advertising or pop-up windows. Generally, they are sometimes very tempting to look at oneself, do not risk clicking on it - it can not only be advertising infa, but hidden link to a virus program. Electronic fraudsters in recent time to invent new ways to attract visitors to fake Web sites or pages of a pornographic nature. In addition to the obtrusive advertising can occur in addition entirely plausible banners with proposals to take advantage, play a little game right in your browser, and so on. Pivotal criterion for success fraudster - your actions, because outsiders do not click on the windows and objects, if not sure of their appointment. An alternative way may make install additional software for the browser, breaking many pop-ups.

  Password for social networking and other favorite sites must be protected outside the computer, particularly on a flash drive is allowed in addition to use special software for the secure storage of passwords, for example Keep My Pass. Ideally - permissible in its own memory, otherwise - in a paper notebook that no one besides you can not see. We do not recommend to protect your password or for any website or in your browser. Use a good-looking password that no one would guess, preferably it should be incomprehensible to an alphanumeric code, it is permissible to create on our website. Do not use the equal password for different sites and account, especially if it is an account of the e-mail. Do not enter a password on the profile of my own way Vkontakte anywhere else besides the most site Vkontakte (and more sensitive check on the correct site - take compassion on the address bar), more than that if you persistently asked about this. Scammers always try to play on people's ignorance of basic rules.

Top 5 most read

The basic rules of safe behavior on the Internet

Manager SAM and Active Directory

You forget your password. What should I do? Part 3

Social engineering as a way of committing crimes in the sphere of computer information

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