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How to store passwords?

Any lively Internet user is registered on several blogs, forums, social networks, and many other online services to facilitate its existence on the Internet. And for all the services you need a password, and it is desirable for each of them different. It is necessary for user safety.

What you want to invent a single password, moreover in case he would have consisted of some zakoryuchek, and apply it to all services. But this austere unsafe. Because if an attacker knows the password from one service, it will have information and passwords for the other. And that may substantially affect the authority of the user, and in some cases, the work of man.

But in the case to invent passwords of meaningless symbols and sticks - it's an easy problem, then remember this is not so and austere, and often unrealistic. And besides, it's very uncomfortable.

So you start to save passwords in a text file. And when they are needed, you need to dig up the same file open, one must dig a password and copy it to clipboard. But this method more minuses than pluses:

1) The file can be stolen. And in case your computer is at work, they can employ co-workers or patrons to cast a glance what you're talking on ICQ.

2) Your computer may come to be Trojan horses, which will record copied to the clipboard data and send to the owner, and he already knows how to use your passwords.

But progress does not stand still, and someone has already thought about this issue and wrote a special program that can save passwords in one file.

Such programs is very no end, but they all operate on the same principle. When you run the program asks for a password, if this is to test it for "strength" (kriptoustoychivost and complexity), in the case, if the password does not work for some criteria, propose to introduce a fresh and generate your own. The only thing needed is to memorize all just the same password. When you first start the program creates an encrypted file that will store passwords.

These programs allow you to effectively group and sort the individual records - to separate passwords for email, ICQ, and electronic purses. Support auto-complete Web forms. For this need only time to fill the questionnaire, and in the future by going to the site, forum, blog, you all just press one button and the required fields filled out themselves. Shibko handy thing, especially for those who are in search of work.

Yet it is not forbidden to make the mouse easy to login and password from the program in the appropriate input field web form. Suitable for forms where you need only enter your login and password.

In order not to invent the most complex passwords in the program has a password generator. You only need to orient the number of characters that will constitute the password alphabet and punctuation marks, which will enter into a generated password.

And if necessary, a list of passwords is allowed to export to a text file and then print or share with another - let it honors your mail!

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