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Network Information Security: Myths and Realities Omnipotence hackers

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Protection system in Windows - Fact or Fiction

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Manager SAM and Active Directory

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Can you trust a domain that is connected to the Internet?

Идентификаторы защиты (SID)

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Network security model and resource sharing

Remote attacks on distributed computing systems

Characteristics and mechanisms of implementation of standard remote attacks

Fake ARP-server on the Internet

False DNS-server on the Internet

Substitution of one of the subjects TCP-connections on the Internet

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Mythical remote attacks on the Internet

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Protection system in Windows - Fact or Fiction

  If you believe the reports of the U.S. government, the company occupies a leading Microsoft (nearly monopolistic) position in operating systems, as well as many other related software markets (the market of Web-browsers, office applications, etc.)

  And despite the sneers of competitors and forecasts in the market, Microsoft keeps its "monopoly" year after year. And it is in a situation of constant changes in information technology and variability of the modern consumer tastes. Like it or not, but Microsoft continues to produce some of the most popular software products on the planet.

  Nevertheless, most sources of information and independent authors continue to depict a software company Microsoft fatally dangerous in terms of providing protection. If the program is Bill Gates so unsafe, why did they remain so popular?

    Gap in the protection of Windows 2000

  The answer is quite simple. Microsoft's products differ ¬ maximum just one use, and this is one of the reasons for stunning growth in their popularity. But many do not consider that the protection - this is a game with a zero balance: what is easier to use a certain program - the more time and effort needed for it to make its use safer.

  The most striking example of this situation - the main Web-server from the company Microsoft, Internet Information Server (IIS). This program is included in the package and is fully aligned with the operating system Windows Server 2003, and anyone who has at least a basic knowledge of Web-technologies, may in a few minutes to install and run under IIS its Web-site.

  Unfortunately, the connected, this Web-cepeep to Inlemet "as is" - then put him in danger of being spoiled and destroyed a few days of persistent attackers, armed with an arsenal of the latest hacking tools to attack IIS.

  Nevertheless, many make their choice is in favor of Web-IIS server because of the benefits of its' • ease of use (rapid development and implementation of Web-site, a simple graphical user interface, etc.).. The IIS server is used by 24% Web-servers on the Internet, which is the second index in the world according to a study, held in September 2003 stamp.

  So it should not be superfluous to learn about the rules to sew! this product. Microsoft has published a list of possible deficiencies and issued a special program that must be used to protect the server's IIS (version 4) from possible attacks. However, these lists are not supplied with the operating system, Windows, and many users do not use even basic measures to counter attacks by hackers.

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