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Hackers and crackers, or what is good and what is bad?

Chronology of the ARPANET - INTERNET

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Manager SAM and Active Directory

Administrative boundaries: the forest or domain?

Can you trust a domain that is connected to the Internet?

Идентификаторы защиты (SID)

Why can not I log in as an administrator from any location?

Network security model and resource sharing

Remote attacks on distributed computing systems

Characteristics and mechanisms of implementation of standard remote attacks

Fake ARP-server on the Internet

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Substitution of one of the subjects TCP-connections on the Internet

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Mythical remote attacks on the Internet

Dedicated channel communication between objects distributed CS

Characteristics and mechanisms of implementation of standard remote attacks

 The notion of a typical remote attack research and analysis of information security various distributed computer systems, conducted by the authors in recent years, have demonstrated that, regardless of the network protocols, topology, infrastructure study of distributed computer systems, mechanisms for implementing remote effects on the PBC are invariant with respect to features of a particular system.

  This is because the distributed CS designed based on the same principles, and, consequently, have practically the same security problems, so it turns out that the reasons for the success of remote attacks on a variety of PBC are the same. Thus, it is possible to introduce the concept of standard remote attacks.

  Typical remote attack is remote information damaging effects, software implemented on their communication channels and typical of any distributed Sun

   The introduction of this concept in conjunction with the description of mechanisms for the implementation of standard UA research methodology allows us to offer security that is invariant with respect to the form of a distributed Sun The technique consists in the consistent implementation of all typical of remote actions in accordance with the proposed further descriptions and specifications. Thus the basic element of security research is to analyze the WAN network traffic.

  As an explanation of the last assertion, consider the following analogy: the debugger - the main tool for the hacker, respectively, a network traffic analyzer - the main tool for network hacker.

  Network traffic analyzer is inherently network-based debugger.

  So, as a method of researching the security of the distributed CS proposed implementation of a number of test problems, assessing the security of the system with respect to the standard remote influences.

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Manager SAM and Active Directory

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