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Most popular password

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Идентификаторы защиты (SID)

Why can not I log in as an administrator from any location?

Network security model and resource sharing

Remote attacks on distributed computing systems

Characteristics and mechanisms of implementation of standard remote attacks

Fake ARP-server on the Internet

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Substitution of one of the subjects TCP-connections on the Internet

Malfunction host on the network

Mythical remote attacks on the Internet

Dedicated channel communication between objects distributed CS

You forget your password. What should I do? Part 2

- In the window desktop with a message that Windows is running in Safe Mode, click Yes;

- After loading the desktop, click Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts;

- Click the account whose password must be reset;

- Select the left menu, click Change Password;

- In the Change account password, enter and confirm your new password (for password change), or leave the field blank (for password reset);

- Click on Change Password;

- Close the User Accounts;

- Close the Control Panel window;

- Restart the PC.


1. A user with a computer administrator account can create and change passwords for all computer users. Users with accounts with the restrictions can only create and change their passwords, as well as create their own tips for those passwords.

2. For security purposes, a computer administrator can not retrieve a forgotten password, but can only create a new one.

3. If a user with a computer administrator account changes the password to another user, that user loses all of encrypted files EFS, personal certificates and stored passwords for websites or network resources.

4. If there is a password reset disk, it can be used to create a new password for your account. Individual computer settings will remain.

Reset the password using the Windows command interpreter

Click Start -> Run ... -> Run -> cmd -> OK;

- A window that opens the shell after the prompt, type control userpasswords2, press Enter;

- Opens the User Accounts;

- In the Users for this computer, select the account you want;

- Uncheck the box must enter a user name and password -> OK (or below in the section User Password, click Change Password ... -> Change Password window, enter and confirm your new password (for password change), or leave the field blank (for password reset) -> OK -> OK -> OK);

- In the window that appears, Auto login, enter and confirm your new password (for password change), or leave the field blank (for password reset) -> OK;

- At the command prompt, type exit, press Enter (or just close the window);

- Restart the PC.

How to reset a password built Administrator account

If the built-in administrator account is also a computer record "safely" forgotten password, you can use the emergency and recovery boot disks such as Windows miniPE edition or ERD Commander.

1. Drive Microsoft Windows miniPE edition is a stripped down version of Windows XP.

To download miniPE needed in the BIOS set to boot from CD-ROM, placed in a tray

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Manager SAM and Active Directory

You forget your password. What should I do? Part 3

Идентификаторы защиты (SID)

Social engineering as a way of committing crimes in the sphere of computer information

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