In the web a lot advice about what to do if I forget my password - tips from harmful to useless.
For example, it is not recommend to reset the password to delete files SAM * (WINDOWSsystem32config). Then perhaps the major issues until you reinstall the OS! Boot the system, usually fails when loading screen appears: lsass.exe - System Error with the message "Unable to initialize the SAM because of the following error: The device is attached to the system is not working. Error Status: 0xc0000001. Click OK to shutdown this system and reboot into Safe Mode, as detailed in the event log. " After clicking OK the computer restarts, and so - to infinity.
There is also this advice: delete the file logon.scr (WINDOWSsystem32), and rename the file cmd.exe logon.scr. After the reboot, allegedly after 15 (!) Minutes should (?) Open a command prompt window in which you want to dial EXPLORER, then supposedly you can log in with Administrator rights. Nothing doing! ..
Restore password
If a user forgets the password the computer, which is in a workgroup or is a standalone, you should verify the password hint (hint is located on the Welcome screen, next to the field for entering a password).
If the hint does not help remember your password, you must sign in with a computer administrator account and create a new password.
To change the user password
To perform this procedure must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group (if your computer is connected to a network, network policy settings may prevent you from completing this procedure).
Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> User Accounts;
- On the Users tab, select the user name whose password you want to change and click Reset Password;
- Enter and confirm the new password (for password change), or leave the field blank (for password reset) -> OK.
Reset the password using the built-in Administrator account (in safe mode)
When you boot / reboot your PC, press F8;
- In the Advanced Options Menu, select Safe Mode, Windows;
- Select a built-in Administrator account (Administrator), which by default is not password protected (you can choose any account of any member of the Administrators group, the password is known to you / or absent);